AIA Flint held its annual meeting on November 4, 2015 at Baker College of Flint. Repositioning was a major topic discussed. A motion was made and approved for the Flint Chapter to move forward in pursuing accreditation to maintain its status as a Chapter.
Results of the election for 2016-17 Officers(two year terms):
President – Freeman T. Greer, AIA
Vice President – Kurt Neiswender, AIA
Treasurer – Jackie Hoist, AIA
Secretary – Dave Bennett, AIA
Directors – John Gazall, AIA; Shannon White, AIA; Jeff Ferweda, AIA
Associate Directors – Chad Crystal, Assoc AIA; Chris Nedanis, Assoc AIA; Amanda Harrell Seyburn, Assoc AIA
Director to AIA Michigan Board – Lisa Demankowski, AIA