This past year the administration process of the Donald E. Lee Scholarship was transferred over to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. 

All applicants will need to visit their website and complete the application process through their system.  See below.  

The online application is available and the deadline for most awards including AIA-Flint is March 15.  Students should start on our website here: Students can preview the application questions, download the application instructions and see a list of the scholarships available through CFGF and throughout Michigan including Genesee County awards + the AIA-Flint scholarship.   Students start with a brief questionnaire and their answers populate the list of scholarships they can apply for.

Any questions should be directed to:

Jennifer Farrington

Senior Program Officer

Community Foundation of Greater Flint

500 S. Saginaw St., Suite 200

Flint, MI  48502

810.382.0063 (office)

jfarrington [at] cfgf [dot] org