The Flint Chapter of The American Institute of Architects held an international design competition for the REVISIONing of the City of Flint Municipal Center (including City Hall) into a vibrant mixed use development. The purpose of the competition was to come up with a design solution that would demonstrate how a city’s municipal center can be supported and maintained with the revenues generated through creating a vibrant live / work / entertainment. We received submissions from five different countries spanning across three continents.
A panel of judges including local architect John Costa, Former Flint Institute of Arts Director John Henry, Bryan Boyer, Director of the Urban Technology at Taubman College of Architecture and local business owner and downtown activist, Dr. Bobby Mukkamala juried the submittals and selected 3 projects worthy of cash prizes from AIA-Flint. Additionally, the jury selected two projects to receive an Honorable Mention Award.
To check out the results of the competition, visit: https://aiaflint.com/re-envisioning-the-city-of-flint-municipal-center/